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Exploring design's role in shaping technology and experiences

Start your morning with inspiring insights from Sony Design Center Europe and Zenit!

Discover Sony’s innovative design philosophy, trends from their Design Vision Report, and the creation of the interactive IntoSight exhibition. Zenit Design’s Jonas Svennberg will share how a user-centered approach transforms technology, driving innovation and relevance through design.

Program Highlights


Creating New Standards – The Design Philosophy of Sony
– Jesper Gill Hansson, Head of Studio Nordic, will introduce Sony’s Design Center Europe and its approach to design.
– Linda Lissola, Senior Designer / Senior Researcher, will share insights from Sony’s design research, including trends from their Design Vision Report.
– Rikke Gertsen Constein, Art Director, will present IntoSight, Sony’s interactive exhibition from the London Design Festival, showcasing how design and technology merge to create impactful experiences.


How the design process can catalyse new technologies to become and stay relevant
– Jonas Svennberg, CEO, will share how Zenit uses a user-centered approach by engaging stakeholders to identify needs, prototyping and testing ideas in real-world contexts, and refining solutions through iteration to optimize outcomes and minimize risks.

Spots are limited, so make sure to secure your seat by February 19!
A warm welcome – we look forward to seeing you in Lund!



February 27 • 08.30 – 10.00


Conference room: Planet
Level Two by Altitude
Rydbergs torg 4
The Loop, Science Village


OpenTech and DigIT Hub Sweden

DigIT Hub Sweden is a regional initiative aimed at helping companies and the public sector in southern Sweden embrace digital transformation. DigIT Hub Sweden is co-funded by the European Union, Region Skåne, Region Blekinge, Region Kronoberg, and Vinnova.


The event is free for OpenTech members, university students and friends of DigIT Hub. Non-members can join for SEK 500 + VAT.



  • Jesper Gill HanssonHead of Studio Nordic
  • Linda LissolaSenior Designer / Senior Researcher
  • Rikke Gertsen ConsteinArt Director



  • Jonas SvennbergCEO

OpenTech Forum - AI

A meeting place for AI professionals to exchange knowledge, discuss technical topics, and explore opportunities and challenges in the field.
OpenTech Forum – Cybersecurity

OpenTech Forum - Cybersecurity

A hub for cybersecurity professionals seeking knowledge exchange, technical discussions, and insight into the field's opportunities and challenges.
OpenTech Forum – Cybersecurity


Meetings will be held at MittLogik’s premises, at The Node, Mobilvägen 4, Lund

OpenTech Forum - Mobility Tech

The network connects mobility tech professionals working on transport solutions for people and goods.

The network is aimed at professionals who are actively working with mobility tech. Mobility, within the scope of our network, covers all aspects of movement and transport involving people or goods. We welcome peers in both mobility hardware and software technology – for instance, individuals involved in developing autonomous vehicles, mobility services, data-sharing platforms, digital planning tools, measuring solutions (and much more!).

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February 26 • 14.00 – 16.00


Meetings will be held at MittLogik’s premises, at The Node, Mobilvägen 4, Lund


OpenTech and MittLogik


The cost to participate is 6000 kronor per year. For OpenTech members, participation is 2000 kronor per year.

OpenTech Talk + Lucia Breakfast:

Exploring Cybersecurity and Privacy: Safeguarding Connected Vehicles and Data in a Digital World

Join us for an insightful session on cybersecurity and data protection, featuring two industry experts: Erik Johansson, Data Protection Officer at WirelessCar AB, and Patrik Persson, CEO of Pinteg AB. We will start with a traditional Lucia breakfast – join as at 8.20 sharp not to miss anything.

Erik will delve into Security and Privacy for Connected Vehicles, addressing the evolving risks in connected vehicles, including key threats, industry challenges, and the latest regulatory changes. He will also discuss how WirelessCar integrates privacy and security by design, embedding these principles into DevOps and development practices to safeguard data from the ground up.

Patrik will cover Cybersecurity and GDPR: Protecting Data in a Digital World, focusing on the fundamental GDPR requirements and their significance for data protection. He will explore the risks of cyber threats, the high cost of data breaches for both businesses and individuals, and practical steps for strengthening cybersecurity and ensuring GDPR compliance.

Spots are limited, so make sure to secure your seat by December 10! A warm welcome – we look forward to seeing you in Lund!



December 13 • 08.20 – 10.00


Grand Hotel Lund (view on map)


OpenTech and DigIT Hub Sweden

DigIT Hub Sweden is a regional initiative aimed at helping companies and the public sector in southern Sweden embrace digital transformation. DigIT Hub Sweden is co-funded by the European Union, Region Skåne, Region Blekinge, Region Kronoberg, and Vinnova.


The event is free for OpenTech members, university students and friends of DigIT Hub. Non-members can join for SEK 500 + VAT.


Erik Johansson, Data Protection Officer at WirelessCar AB
Patrik Persson, CEO of Pinteg AB.

OpenTech at Skåne Innovation Day 2024

Meet us at Skåne Innovation Day 2024

Skåne Innovation Week and Skåne Innovation Day have, over the years, become essential elements in Region Skåne’s efforts to implement Skåne’s Innovation Strategy for Sustainable Growth.

The recurring gathering of stakeholders and businesses aims to strengthen Skåne’s culture of innovation and its capacity for innovation and entrepreneurship. Skåne is positioned as a strong and sustainable growth engine, and Region Skåne is working to enhance the conditions for business transformation and innovation capabilities.

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Slagthuset, Malmö


Region Skåne


The event is free




Read more here

OpenTech at ARKAD

Meet us at ARKAD - Scandinavia's largest career fair for engineering students, held annually in November at LTH

The fair designed for engineering and architect students by engineering and architect students.
Whether you’re looking for internships, thesis projects, summer jobs, part-time or full-time job, ARKAD got you covered.

Read more

Fair opening hours are:

10–16, November 12;
10–15, November 13


We’re in Kårhuset, E-huset, Studiecentrum and X-Lab. All close at the LTH campus, easily accesible by tram if you’re travelling from Lund C; or by regional busses (yellow) 103, 170, 171.




The event is free




Read more here

OpenTech at <Get Matched>

Meet us at <Get Matched> recruitment and career fair

What is <Get Matched>?

<Get Matched> is a unique recruitment and career fair focused on IT, Tech, Social Media, and e-Commerce. If you’re job hunting in these fields, you’re welcome to join us on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.



  • 14:00 – 15:30 Reserved time slot by pre-registration for the “NPF Hour.”The first part of the fair is dedicated to attendees with diagnoses who may need extra support when meeting with companies. The number of spots is limited to ensure a low-stress experience.
  • 15:30 – 16:00 Break
  • 16:00 – 18:00 Open to everyone without pre-registration.
Read more


November 5 • 14.00 – 18.00


Rundgången 24, Fuzed, Helsingborg


Helsingborg Stad & Folkuniversitetet


The event is free




Read more here

OpenTech Talk + Breakfast: Future Tech Trends

Join us at the OpenTech Talk + Breakfast on November 13 as we will talk about Future Tech Trends

Our CEO, Ola Svedin, will start the morning by exploring mega trends that impact our lives and the powerful role of digitalization in driving these changes. One of the most transformative areas is AI, impacting industries across the board. To showcase how AI is driving advancements in quality assurance, Henrik Leijon (AI/QA Evangelist) and Adha Hrusto (AI Engineer/Data Scientist) from System Verification will discuss advances in AI-driven quality assurance (QA)—from streamlining API testing workflows to enhancing code quality with automated processes and utilizing AI agents for dynamic, context-aware QA.

We will start with a nice breakfast and there will be plenty of opportunities to network with Skåne’s tech community.

Spots are limited, so make sure to secure your seat by November 11!

Register now!


November 13 • 08.30 – 10.00


24 Nordenskiöldsgatan 211 19 Hamnen, Malmö (view on map)


OpenTech and DigIT Hub Sweden

DigIT Hub Sweden is a regional initiative aimed at helping companies and the public sector in southern Sweden embrace digital transformation. DigIT Hub Sweden is co-funded by the European Union, Region Skåne, Region Blekinge, Region Kronoberg, and Vinnova.


The event is free for OpenTech members, university students and friends of DigIT Hub. Non-members can join for SEK 500 + VAT.


OpenTech Talk + After Work: AI

An OpenTech event at Elite Hotel Marina Plaza, Helsingborg. We will talk about AI - Latest Applications & Legal Aspects with our guest speakers from Backtick Technologies & Potter Clarkson.

Join us as we continue to evolve as OpenTech! For those who enjoyed our Toppenmorgon and Toppenkväll, you’ll love our refreshed concept: OpenTech Talks. With the same focus on engaging topics and community-building, we’re bringing you even more exciting opportunities to connect and engage with Skåne’s tech community.

We are excited to invite you to our next OpenTech Talk + After Work, where we’ll dig into the transformative world of AI. This engaging afternoon will explore the latest AI applications, showcasing how accessible AI solutions can create real value for companies. We’ll also address the legal considerations surrounding AI, including how to protect innovations and navigate the EU’s upcoming AI Act. Join us for a balanced look at AI’s potential, its practical uses, and the legal frameworks that are shaping its future.

Michal Stypa, CEO of Backtick Technologies, will guide us through the current state of AI, showing real-world use cases that illustrate the value and practical applications of AI solutions. From simplifying operations to solving societal challenges, Michal will demonstrate the concrete benefits of AI for companies of all sizes.

Dr. Christopher Hartland, European Patent Attorney at Potter Clarkson, will explore the legal side of AI innovations. He’ll discuss how companies can protect their AI inventions and what to keep in mind when entering commercial agreements involving AI.

The seminar will end with networking AW.

Finger foods and drinks will be served, and there will be plenty of opportunities to network with Skåne’s tech community.

Spots are limited, so be sure to secure your place by October 14!

Register now!


October 17 • 15.00 – 18.00


Elite Hotel Marina Plaza • Kungstorget 6, Helsingborg, Sweden (view on map)


OpenTech and DigIT Hub Sweden

DigIT Hub Sweden is a regional initiative aimed at helping companies and the public sector in southern Sweden embrace digital transformation. DigIT Hub Sweden is co-funded by the European Union, Region Skåne, Region Blekinge, Region Kronoberg, and Vinnova.


The event is free for OpenTech members, university students and friends of DigIT Hub. Non-members can join for SEK 500 + VAT.

